Q&A Live Weekly Sessions with Jovana
Sign up if you want to get a chance to get included in live weekly calls with me and get access to my expert insights, advice, recommendations, and guidance for your unique situation?
Consider signing up if you are aiming for:
- achieving tremendous child-parent relationships with the least effort possible as you learn what to focus your attention to
- attuning to healthy child development practices without losing yourself in the process and ignoring your human needs, rights, and aspirations for your life
- understanding and responding to your and your child’s needs better and carefully easing the tension between the two
- having your most pressing questions and concerns addressed and ongoing support
- getting skilled in honoring the child’s best interest in each life situation with the help of a few key rules and principles (child wellbeing, independence, autonomy, participation, and equality)
- experiencing a supportive and cooperative relationship with the other parent or a co-parent even in high-conflict circumstances
Address your doubts, concerns, and challenges, but also reflect on your situation through the experiences of others in this small and supportive community.
You’ll unlock monthly access for 60% off of my current hourly rate!